Karaoke Laptop Software
As a rule, when people speak about starting a karaoke DJ career, they mistakenly think that it is a very costly venture and only professionals can afford it. Actually, many KJs work with a set of expensive karaoke equipment including top-notch quality karaoke machines, microphones, speakers, a large collection of karaoke CDs, etc. However, today its quite possible to play karaoke and run your own shows from just a personal laptop.
If you are planning to organize a wonderful karaoke party at home and entertain your guests with singing or seriously consider the opportunity to become a KJ yourself, youve come to the right place! At Power Karaoke we know how to sing karaoke on a laptop and keep your expenses low. We are ready to offer you Siglos Karaoke Professional � a full-featured karaoke software solution for your laptop allowing to run your karaoke show wherever you go.
Our full-featured karaoke laptop software will become your personal KJ assistant. Siglos Karaoke Professional supports various file formats, including MP3G, ZIP, BIN, MIDI Karaoke (MID and KAR), KMA as well as video formats (AVI and MPEG). Due to step-by-step online tutorials along with user-friendly interface, you can easily learn how to sing karaoke on a laptop and make various manipulations to create a festive atmosphere during your karaoke show.
By choosing this advanced karaoke software for your laptop you may rest assured that all necessary features like automatic singer rotation management, singer history, key changer, tempo changer and other options are included. Using your laptop as a karaoke machine has many advantages: besides considerable money saving, our karaoke laptop software comes with a powerful song database allowing you to host professional karaoke shows without disc use.
Whether you are going to use your computer as a karaoke machine for personal needs, organize a home party or start a KJ career, you can do all this easy with Siglos Karaoke Professional.
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